

Training Program in Expressive Arts Therapy

Admissions Criteria

A suitable educational background which normally consists of a bachelors’ degree (BA, BFA, BSW) in fine arts, psychology, social work, etc.
Non-degree students with a thorough practical training in these areas will also be considered.
Students are not expected to be professional artists, but should demonstrate a commitment to work in some artistic medium (creative writing, dance, theatre, music, visual arts, etc.).
In addition, students are expected to have some volunteer or professional experience in a therapeutic, helping or teaching role.
One year of individual therapy at the time of admission is also normally required. Each student’s personal readiness for the program will be evaluated through the admission process.

Tuition Fee – $5500 per year.
Yearly tuition fees may be paid in full by cash, cheque or bank draft. Installments, either bi-yearly or quarterly, must be paid with post-dated cheques.
Tuition fees are tax deductible.
The costs of individual therapy, books on the core reading list, and a small yearly materials fee are separate from tuition costs.

Application fee is $100.00.
For more information on applying and to download Application Forms please click here.

About ISIS

Directors & Faculty
Board of Directors

Diploma Program
Introduction to EXA

468 Queen St. E. Suite LL01
Toronto, ON Canada
Tel: (416) 539-9728
Fax: (416) 531-8236
Email: [email protected]
“My experience with the 3 years of intensive training at ISIS Canada was one of great pleasure, significant challenges towards self awareness and understanding, great leaps into the scary unknown and magic of the creative process, deepened experience of self compassion and compassion towards others, and an embodied, wholehearted experience that I believe is essential for any practicing therapist. If we are to expect our clients to courageously step into themselves, and experience the vulnerabilities and uncertainties of life fully and creatively, we as therapists, must be willing to do the same. The ISIS training was invaluable to me as a person and as a therapist.”
Michelle Denis MacDougall

Introduction to Expressive Arts Therapy Course – 16 weeks


Tuition Fee – $1800.00

Early Registration Discount: $100.00
Early registration is due by the following date:
Spring Session – March 18, 2013

Classes begin – Monday, April 8, 2013

For more information click here
To download Registration Form please click here.
Introduction to Expressive Arts Therapy
For applications and further information please contact:
ISIS Canada
College Square, P.O. Box #31046
725 College St. West
Toronto, Ontario M6G 1C0

Pamela Rosales
Administrative Director & Financial Aid Officer
Phone: (416) 539-9728
Fax: (416) 531-8236
[email protected]

Office hours are Monday, Tuesday, 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
(excluding public holidays)

For more information and to download Application & Registration Forms please click here.